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Tuesday 12th January

Today in our Zoom lesson you will be doing a word hunt! I have put your words in the pack for the week. Please cut the words up and place them around the room you are working in ready for the Zoom!

This is a follow up task for after your phonics session. Please read the booklet and complete the task in your green exercise book.

Please choose a couple of activities from 'The book of ou' to complete.

Please read through the PowerPoint presentation about shapes with your child. There is a worksheet to complete in your home learning pack. There are also some practical activity ideas on the website if you wish to complete any of them over the coming week.

Yesterday you started your History topic and today you have a very important job to do. I would like you to interview your grown ups to find out about the toys that they played with when they were your age. Have a look at the PowerPoint for some ideas of the questions you could ask them. Remember to keep all your History work together! Have fun!
