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Wednesday 10th February

Today is our book day and your activities will be based around the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's child. Our Zoom is at 11am so we will be reading a story then. Please bring a teddy and any siblings you have to listen to the story if you would like to!


I appreciate that some of you will prefer the routine of doing the maths and phonics work so I have uploaded those but do not feel like you have to do everything! Pick and choose the activities that you would like to do so the maths and phonics today is optional! Please send in any photos you take throughout the day. 


Book related activities:

-Book Review of the Gruffalo's Child
-Design your own front cover

-Write a quiz about the Gruffalo's child. Can your grown ups or your siblings answer the questions about the story? 

Each day there will be a new video from Letters and Sounds to introduce an alternative spelling of a sound that you have learnt. ‘se horse.' Please find follow up activity in your home learning pack.

Maths Follow the link to a maths lesson from the Oak National Academy. The suggested activities are in your home learning pack and attached.

Design and Technology


If you have got your ingredients ready for the Gruffalo's healthy snack, this afternoon could be a perfect time to make it!

Remember to ensure you have washed your hands, got all of your ingredients ready and follow your recipe carefully. If you haven't got these things ready yet you could always make it tomorrow! 


Whilst you are making your healthy snack I would like you to discuss with your grown up the following.

-The importance of washing your hands

-Being safe when cutting up fruit or vegetables

-Following a recipe 


Take a photo of what you have made and send it into school please. Tomorrow I will be asking you to evaluate your healthy snack. 


Have fun!
