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Week 7 July 13th to 17th

Hello my lovely Year 4s!


It feels strange to write this as this will be the last letter I will send out to you. All of us I’m sure would not have expected to end the year in this way. It feels difficult to say goodbye to you as I don’t feel ready to let you go but I do understand it is important that we all move on and after all this is not goodbye as I will see you in September. 


I am very proud of all of you and how hard you worked in the classroom in the first two terms of the year. I can honestly say that you are one of the best classes I have ever taught. One of things I will remember most about you is the way you all support each other and care for one another. You should be very proud to be part of the class you are in and I hope you continue to support and help each other in the future. 


I am not setting work for this last week as I always feel it should be a time for reflection of the year that we are finishing. You could create a memory book to collect your favourite activities or pieces of work that you have done in the year. What could you do now that you couldn’t do at the beginning of the year? What have you learned from your home learning experience? Have you developed any skills? What have you done that you may not have had the time for or may not have been possible without lockdown? There has been ups and downs for you all I’m sure during the school’s closure but my best advice for you is to focus on the positives and reflect on these in your final week of year 4. 


If you would like to come in and pick up your books from the classroom, our usual Thursday library time will be available. I will also have a little gift for you but if you can’t come in at this time then don’t worry I will leave it in the office for you so you can pick it up anytime the school is open from Tuesday to Thursday. If you can’t attend the session, I will keep the books and gift for you and you can collect them when we return in September. 


So this is not goodbye, this is see you soon but I will miss you all tons! 


Have a great summer all! 


Lots of love 


Mrs Webster


