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Week beginning 20th April

A very BIG HELLO Year 5. I hope you and your families are all very well. You are all amazing and we are all so proud of you, how you are staying home to keep yourself and your family safe. It feels like a long time since I checked in to say hi and to give you a little message. I really hope you have all had a fabulous Easter break and have managed to enjoy eating lots of yummy chocolate! I am currently on my third Easter egg - naughty but very nice! Today would have been the beginning of our Summer Term but unfortunately we will have to be patient and wait a little bit longer before we can all be together again. I have been thinking about you all lots and lots and want you to know that I miss you all so much.

I thought this week we could try some different home learning using a mixture of BBC Bitesize, Purple Mash and a variety of other home learning as the week progresses, so please look on our class web page and on Purple Mash every day. Please also continue with your daily reading Year 5 as you have all made so much progress with your reading and need to build upon your success. When I set work on Purple Mash, please look out for my little messages and please send me a little message back as I would love to hear how you are and what you have been up to.

Also, if you can email me (using any photos of what you have been doing or achieved that would be smashing!

Keep remembering kindness Year 5 and that a smile goes a long way...I am sending you all a VERY BIG SMILE today and every day! 
