Please look on your Purple Mash email account Year 5 as I have an important message and I need your help with something!
Subject | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | ||
Fix the Sentence Rewrite the sentences so they make sense
Year 5 English, Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 Complete the SPAG test and mark your answers
Wonderful Wizard Writing Tasks 1. Read the PowerPoint carefully 2. Complete the different tasks and ensure you read the text carefully
NHS Reading Paper 1. Read the text about the NHS 2. Complete the questions - make sure you use the text to answer the questions 3. Mark your answers carefully
Listen to and Read along with 'Arundel Swimming Pool' Summarise each verse using one word only. Read for 20 minutes You can read a book you enjoy. Choose 5 unfamiliar words and use a dictionary to explore the meanings. Can you find three synonyms for each word?
Anne Frank Reading Paper 1. Read the text about Anne Frank 2. Complete the questions - make sure you use the text to answer the questions 3. Mark your answers carefully
Did you know? Anne Frank would have been 91 years old this June.
Prime Number Challenge Complete the worksheet
Find the Factors Complete the worksheet
Convert Units of Time 1. Read the PowerPoint carefully on converting between 12 and 24 hour time 2. Complete the worksheet
Convert Units of Time Reasoning Complete the questions. Use the Time Poster to help with your conversions.
Time Word Problems Complete the time word problems. Remember to highlight the key vocabulary in the question that is useful. |
Arithmetic Papers Half Test 6a and 6b
TWGBA: To understand the habitat of different plants and how features of a flower ensure successful pollination 1. Read the PowerPoint carefully. 2. Watch the video link when you need to. 3. Complete the task on each of the PowerPoints. |
TWGBA: To classify plants 1. Read the PowerPoint carefully. 2. Watch the video link when you need to. 3. Choose which task you want to do. Use the template and word mat if you want to. |
34 minutes Kids Dance Routine
Body Percussion Have a go! Mix movement and rhythm - create you own sequences to your favourite song.
Go on a Colour Walk