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Expanded noun phrases - Click on the link below


Learn how to understand and use expanded noun phrases.

This lesson includes:

  • one video to help you understand what expanded noun phrases are
  • one video to show you how writers use expanded noun phrases
  • three activities.


Hello Year 5, I think we can do better than BBC Bitesize today laugh. Think back to our learning in class as we can expand both before and after the noun using the words

with or you remember? 

For example - A grotesque creature with an enormous, furry body and a tiny head stared at me.

An overgrown garden, with litter scattered everywhere haunted my thoughts. 

You could also write some expanded noun phrases about these two images below - one of my favourite animals that is absolutely amazing and the other is 'Heroes Don't Fly They WALK' - The One and Only Captain Tom! Have you also been following Captain Tom's adventures?

