It's Fri-yay, time for some music .........
Live Lesson - 10.00am
A bit of fun and games.
Bring your whiteboard and pen, but you will also need a fork and spoon !
Core Lesson - Maths.
I would like you to continue our work on Area.
Below, is an Oak Academy lesson that revises what we looked at yesterday - how to calculate area of rectilinear shapes by multiplying the length and breadth together. There is also a short section towards the end of the video that explains how to find the length and breadth if you already know the Area. Only watch the video if you wish to revise these concepts.
This is a nice little warm up puzzle:
Here are some reasoning questions . Hint: I actually think the ones at the end are easier than the first ones - this is a good lesson in not getting worried if you find it tough at first !
Foundation Subject - Art
Here is a sketching lesson from Mrs Dowling. To get the maximum benefit from this, you should have done last week's work on Zentangles. If you would like to revise this first, it is here :
This week's lesson develops your skills at adding texture to your drawing - we were working on this with our work with stippling, cross hatching and shading.
There are further details here :