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Week beginning 8th February

This week, we might all feel the need for some more variety and creativity. If that is the case, I hope that there are some choices for you below.


Life Skills



Cooking - The Dough Challenge - come to school to collect some strong bread flour (approximately 500g)  and yeast. Using these ingredients, warm water and a bit of sugar, you will be able to create some delicious dough, which can then be made into bread, pizza bases, buns, naans, pittas and all sorts of fabulous bakes. Mmmmm, I can just imagine the smell as they are baking. Remember to share your pictures.

Try some of these below :

Learn First Aid  - to be able to help someone in an emergency is a really important life skill. On the British Red Cross website, you can take a series of short courses to help you know what to do with some of the most common first aid incidents.

Doing laundry - yes, it's never too soon ! Can you learn to fold, sort and put away each person's clean clothes ? You may need to match up socks, learn to fold t-shirts and jumpers, and find out how to hang clothes properly on hangers, or make up a bed. Have you learned the art of putting on a duvet cover ?


Curriculum Ideas


Maths for fluency  go back over any of the work on percentages or long division to check those skills or try some of these games for mental agility:

Primary maths games: Multiplication collection.

Primary maths games: How to play All change multiplication

Primary maths games: How to play Risky

Primary maths games: How to play Regroup


Internet Safety - Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. Find out about reliability in the on-line world.


DT - Structures Challenge - try one of these Lego challenges.


PE - as well as Miss McShane's Friday PE lesson, why not try some of these physical challenges ?

This week's timetable

This week's home learning

Films produced by Year 6

Still image for this video
Shelby's film about gyres


Still image for this video
Fantastic presentation about gyres