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Friday 15th January

Gooooood morning Year 2 and your lovely parents. It's Friday and that means it's the weekend and you, and your parents, can have a wee break from home schooling! I am off to take my mum for her vaccine, how exciting is that?!

So on the menu today...

Spelling I have given you a lot of spelling this week so this is a recap on some of the stuff I have set you. You can do this sheet if you have completed all the other spelling sheets or you can have today to catch up on the week's spelling. Please do try and test your child on some of this week's spellings, if they get something wrong I put a handy sheet of 30 ways to spell something in your pack so you might want to use that.

Maths Elephant Maths 9 (put on here yesterday) plus the Lid game (instructions at the bottom) This was what I did on Zoom yesterday with my pizza tray. It is really good for times tables.

Literacy. Write a wee paragraph about The Bear and the Piano story that we did together (not the whole book) Start like this...

One day a bear a young bear found something strange in the forest. First he.....

Reading Don't forget your Epic reading!

Art Mrs Dowling has given you a lovely art idea to do today. If you do this please send a pic to me and I will forward it onto Mrs D.

Today we have Bella's Teach the Teacher at the end of our Zoom lesson. I am looking forward to learning something new!

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Be well.

And of course.....

Where do rabbits get their eyes tested?

At the hoptician! laugh

Art idea Mrs Dowling

The Lid Game instructions

Spelling recap sheet
