Friday 5th March
Goooood morning everyone! Happy Friday morning...and what's more...happy last Zoom day! I can't wait to see you all...properly...on Monday!
Please remember to bring in your lockdown work AND your pack with your whiteboard in it and your clock, as we will need to use these back in class.
Don't forget your joke to do on Zoom today, Mrs Lee and I need a giggle to end these 8 weeks on!
So on to today...
Elephant maths 30
Spelling 5 A Day spellings
Maths This is a powerpoint to work through about 2D and 3D shapes. You could write the answers down in your books.
English I have put the whole story in one place for you to read to an adult. I have been most impressed with your reading of this story. Don't forget to STOP at the full stops and change your voice when there is a new speaker. It is rather long, so you might want to read part of it and your parent read some of it, take it in turns.
You may also have some other bits and pieces to finish off before you come back to school.
No art idea today but don't forget to look on the World Book Day website as there are lots of lovely ideas to do on there...or pick your favourite Mrs Dowling art idea and do one of those.
To all you lovely parents...and my lovely TAs at school.....Mrs Parker...Mrs Franklin and Mrs West who have kept my keyworker group going as well as Mrs Bridges and Mrs Rutherford in Year 3 and my able assistant Mrs Lee,,,,,I say.....
Thank you...thank you.....thank you.....thank you......ta....merci.....thank you for sticking with me, sending me work, talking to me and engaging in your child's learning. I salute you!
See you Monday!
And finally.......
What is a lizard's favourite sport?