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Monday 1st February

Good morning. How did you get on with the Great British Bird Watch ? In my garden we saw more robins than any other type of bird .... although, given that robins are very territorial little birds, I think I may just have seen the same bird 6 times ! I am looking forward to hearing about your results.


Live Lesson - Maths - 10.00am.

We are going to be doing some revision work on how to calculate sum and difference from different types of graph.

Please bring a whiteboard and pen.


After the lesson, have a go at these questions that require you to calculate the sum and difference on these charts.


Core Subject - Literacy.

Today we are starting a new learning sequence about different types ( genres) of fiction.


You are probably familiar with the story of Little Red Riding Hood, however, today I would like you to think about how that might sound if it was re-written in a different style. Read the document below and see if you can work out which genre of fiction, fits each paragraph.

You do not have to write anything but please bring this work to the Zoom lesson on Tuesday, ready to explain your decisions.




This week's lesson focusses on the job of a geologist and what they can tell us about the organisms that have lived during different periods of time.  I have seen some brilliantly answered quiz questions but if you would rather present your learning in a different way this week, like a mind map or a double page spread, then that's fine too.


Also, do use the video clips on BBC Bitesize under evolution and inheritance to support your learning.  I know that there is a lot of new vocabulary in this unit that can be tricky to remember, having the learning presented in a different way can be really helpful.
