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Monday 1st March

10:30 Zoom Call:

Maths: Months and Years

  • WS White Rose Maths

Unfortunately, there is not link available.


Literacy: To write the main body and a conclusion of a letter conveying events from the text.


IT: Communication

Today you will be learning about different types of online communication.

Open the presentation and watch the 2 videos on BBC Bitesize website

Your task is to decide which form of online communication is most effective in different situations.

Finger Eater Ch5 ALL.mp3

Monday 22nd February

10:30 Zoom Call:

Literacy: Learning the structure of a letter

What is the difference between an informal and  a formal letter

  • 2 WS

I have attached today's lesson as a power point presentation as well as a pdf. Apologies for the Zoom problems today. I do hope it will be a better connection by tomorrow.

Ms Feind


Maths: (Recap) Draw pictograms

  • WS White Rose Maths


IT: Communication

Open the attached presentation and work your way through it. I have audio recorded each of the slides. Just press the little loudspeaker button and I will read it to you.

Task 1: Create a timeline of communication using the pictures and words in the presentation.

Task 2: Can you imagine a type of communication you think people will use in the future?

  • pdf

Monday 8th February

10:30 Zoom Call:

Literacy: Record a prediction, writing in 1st person in role as Ulf

  • pdf


Maths: What are bar charts and how to we read them?

  • ppp with audio instructions by Ms Feind


IT: Touch Typing

Set on Purple Mash

Children need to log on with their Purple Mash details (in their Reading Record Books)

Finger Eater Ch3 1st half.mp3

Monday 1st February

10:30 Zoom Call:

Maths: Divide 2 digits by 1 digit (2)

  • WS White Rose Maths


Literacy:  Performance Reading

  • pdf
  • Let me know if you would like to read your performance at our next live zoom meeting.
  • You could also choose a friend and read it as the different characters with him/her.
  • You could have a call with your friend to practice beforehand.


Creative Task:

Instead of exercising our finger muscles through touch typing you will be creating some fingerprint art. You can either come up with your own picture or think of a story of your favourite TV show, game or book. Create as many parts of your picture using fingerprints. I have attached a pdf document with examples of fingerprint from Star Wars characters, monsters and animals. Can you create any other parts of your picture using fingerprints? I’m looking forward to seeing your creations.

Finger Eater Ch3 1st half.mp3

Monday 25th January

10:30 Zoom Call:

Literacy:  To create a list poem

Can you “Rap” it, like we did last week?

  • pdf

Please find the relevant chapter for today's Literacy work below in the attachments.

Maths: Comparing statements

  • WS White Rose Maths


IT: Touch Typing

Set on Purple Mash

Children need to log on with their Purple Mash details (in their Reading Record Books)


Finger Eater Ch1 All.mp3

Monday 18th January

10:30 Zoom Call:


Maths: Divide by 3

  • WS White Rose Maths


Literacy: Planning a party and writing a celebration invitation

  • pdf


IT: Touch Typing

Set on Purple Mash

Children need to log on with their Purple Mash details (in their Reading Record Books)

Monday 11th January

10:30 Zoom Call:

Literacy: What is a memory?

WS: My school year memory

Maths: Oak National Academy:

Recalling the 3 times table

This lesson will introduce the 3 times table and look at key vocabulary products and multiples

White Rose Worksheet (multiply by 3)


IT: Touch Typing

Set on Purple Mash

Children need to log on with their Purple Mash details (in their Reading Record Books)

Coming to England 60 MG.mp4

Still image for this video