Good morning everyone! I hope you had a good weekend and are suitably rested. Well done for surviving nearly 6 weeks of lockdown work. You have done brilliantly and a BIG thank you must go to your parents. Well done all of you!
I really enjoyed seeing all your lovely things on Friday.
So on the menu this week....
Elephant Maths 22 23 24 This is for today...Wednesday and Friday.
Spelling This week are recapping a bit words. It's 5 A Day for each day of the week.
Maths This week we are looking at finding the difference between amounts of money which leads in to finding change on Tuesday. I have done you another What on Earth Are You Talking About? sheet to help explain how we do this. Please don't take fright and run for the hills! I will try and cover this today and tomorrow in our Zoom lessons to help you and your child. The first sheet is at the bottom but I suggest you read the What on Earth Sheet first.
Literacy This is for today and tomorrow. It is all about correcting sentences.
PE Miss Mcshane has given me two lovely ideas to do. One is called Socks in the Box.....if you don't have loads of socks you can always use something else. The other is a really nice Well being sheet.
Wednesday is Book Themed day. I have a lovely book to show you so tune in at 11.30 to find out what it is. It features a rabbit...dragon.....elephant.....and a parakeet! Any ideas?
And finally..... What is a witch's favourite subject in school?