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Head's Blog

Our parent MindUP session was really well attended this week. A summary of the session and a copy of the booklet provided can be found on the Class Pages of our website. We have also emailed you the summary.

Well done to our Yr5 football squad who managed to get through to the 6-aside finals on Saturday. They played really well and showed determination against some very strong opposition.


Next Week


Yr6 Football Preliminaries


Yr5 Class Assembly 9am with the opportunity to visit the classroom afterwards


Yr6 Football Finals


Class Assemblies

Check the website for the assembly dates this term. From this term there will also be the opportunity to visit the classroom afterwards.


Learning Behaviour Champions

Reception: Tiffany for Challenge

Year 1: Ronnie and Ella for Stickability and Communication

Year 2: Charis for Stickability

Year 3: Pembrooke for Communication

Year 4: Kelsee for Challenge

Year 5: Cameron and Leo P for Reflection and Stickability

Year 6: Claramae for Challenge


Star Readers

This term we have set the challenge for each class to beat their Spring Term Average.

This week Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5 have beaten their average. Well done. All the other classes were only a small amount away from their averages.

