Around the school everyone is working hard and learning new things. Nursery are learning about numbers, Reception are writing sentences, Yr1 are coding, Yr2 are investigating plants, Yr3 are completing complex fraction questions, Yr4 are summarising a Louis Sachar book, Yr5 are working out percentages and Yr6 are working on algebra questions and of course the play. All our learning behaviours can be seen throughout the school.
Learning Behaviour Champions
Reception: Daniel for Challenge
Year 1: Leonardo for Communication and Layla and Lottie for Stickability
Year 2: Evie T and Emily for Communication.
Year 3: Eleanor and Shelby for Challenge. Freya, Pippa and Chelsea for Stickability
Year 4: Liam for Stickability and Isla for Challenge.
Year 5: Matthew G and Chloe for Stickability and Challenge
Year 6: Caitlin for Creativity.
Next Week
1.45 and 7pm (standby time of 5pm) Yr5/6 performance of Wind in The Willows
Transition Day Yr6 at their new schools.
Reception to Yr5 visiting their new classrooms
7pm performance of Wind in The Willows
PTA News
Thanks to all those who helped at the Summer Carnival. We took over £4,000 on the day. A special thanks has to go to the committee who organised everything.
Office News
Milk - Reception to current Yr1 parents, if you haven't already done so, please return the slip on the bottom of the milk letter. Late returns will result in no milk being provided for your child.
Please can all parents keep an extra eye on the amount of credit on their child's account for dinners. We regularly have to send reminder text messages to parents to let them know that their child does not have funds available. This uses valuable school resources.