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Personal. Social and Heath Education


At Colney Heath we have a curriculum that:


  • Promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development
  • Equips pupils to make safe and healthy choices 
  • Prepares our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • Promotes British values


As a whole school approach, we follow a scheme called Jigsaw which fulfils the 2019 Government Relationship and Health Education Guidance. Within this we follow the Changing Me unit for each year group that teaches children about how their bodies change, including Puberty.  Additionally, in Years 4-6 there are Sex Education lessons which teach about conception.  Parents are encouraged to approach the Class Teacher for more specific information about these lessons.  


The Jigsaw scheme enables children to learn mindfulness techniques like meditation, mindful colouring, listening to music and physical movement and how these can help to feel calm and support their mental health.’
