Good morning.......
What was the good deed you did for your family ? The challenge was to do something to help your parents, without having to be asked. Did you surprise them by tidying up after tea ? Were they greeted with a cuppa after a long day at work ? Have you put away the clean washing ? I am looking forward to hearing what you did.... and seeing some very happy faces !
Live Lesson - Maths.
This morning we will be looking at equivalence ( the same) between fractions, decimals and percentages.
After the lesson, chose from these worksheets to help you develop your knowledge :
If you want more practice converting fractions to decimals or percentages try one of these:
If you were quite confident with what we covered in the lesson, try these reasoning questions instead :
Core Subject - Literacy.
Use the same extract from 'Coming to England', as you read on Monday. This time read from Page 4, starting at the sentence 'At the very bottom of the yard ...' to the end of P8.
In these pages Floella Benjamin describes, in detail, different places in her home ( the latrine, sitting on the gallery with Dardie) or different events ( e.g. visiting the market, making meals ) or people.
Choose one very small area in your home. e.g. the dining room table, the corner of the sofa. Try to choose a Pointless answer !!
Discuss with your parents, make notes, to capture ideas about this place. Try to include words that give detail about sights, sounds, feelings, textures, what happens here etc. Look at the example we created yesterday about the dining room table ( it is on yesterday's web page) to help you.
Do not start writing in sentences and paragraphs yet, but have plenty of discussion with your parents. On Friday, we will work on this together in the lesson.
Foundation Subject - Computing
Upon our return to school, we will be making cushions. These will be decorated with fish designs on them, on iron-on transfer paper.
Your task is to design the fsh, that will go on your cushion, using Computer Aided Design.
Log in to Purple mash. You have a ToDo which enables you to create a fish design. Your image will eventually be printed to go on to your cushion, so take your time creating your fishy friend. This does not have to be completed today.