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Wednesday 13th January

Good morning my little people! I hope you are all well and being good at home. It is lovely to see so many of you on Zoom. I would like you all to welcome a new child....Lilyana. It is lovely to have you! When we get back to school...whenever that is...I know the class will look after you and make you feel welcome because they are a super nice class! We will say a proper hello today on Zoom!

So onto today....

Maths Keep practising your time telling but we are moving on to times tables. In your pack you have a 2x table sheet. I would like you to cut the boxes out, jumble it up and reorder it. You should be good at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Why don't you impress your parents! I have a worksheet about using your tables at the bottom. Remember you don't need to print everything out because I am aware some of you don't have printers and ink is v expensive. Just write the answers in your red book.

Spelling Change the y to an i and add est. These are for comparative adjectives eg scary......scariest. Worksheet at the bottom.

Reading. I have put day 3 of The Bear and the Piano on here. We will look at this on Zoom tomorrow. You will need your whiteboard and pen.

Science 2. I have assigned you some Purple Mash about healthy eating if you would like to give it a go. It really recaps the triangle sheet. I know I made some errors (sorry!) so I have put the amended sheet on here. I think I am going a little mad! You all have your Purple Mash Login in your pack.

I look forward to seeing you's the highlight of my day!

And of course I can't finish without today's joke.....

What do you give someone who has a strawberry growing out of their head?

Some cream!!!! laughlaugh (one of my favs so far!)


The Bear and the Piano Day 1 and 2 and 3

Spelling worksheet

Maths 2x 5x 10x probs
