Live Lesson - 10.00am Zoom.
We are going to be learning about a significant event in recent British history, that is also relevant to Floella Benjamin's personal story : The Arrival of the Windrush.
We will be reading some of this article, down to the line 'a proud son of The Windrush'. It would be helpful if you can read it before the lesson too:
After the lesson, there are some questions on this Powerpoint for you to answer :
Core Subject - Maths
We are going to be working on finding a percentage of an amount. Previously we have learned how to find a fraction of an amount. Today, the Powerpoint will help you to revise some basic links between percentages and fractions of an amount.
Watch the Powerpoint - use the 'Silent Teacher' technique to say what is happening in each slide. Make sure you can calculate : 50% of an amount, 25% of an amount.
The Powerpoint uses images called 'Bar Models'. These are simple visual aids that enable us to picture a whole number, and parts of it.
Then have a go at the worksheet. On Friday we will be revising this before we move on.
If you would like a bit more of a challenge, and are secure on finding percentages of an amount, then try the Percentage Challenge. You may like to collaborate with someone on this.
Foundation Subject - Geography.
As we start to learn more about marine biomes, I would like you to find out about one particular sea, and the creatures within it. Floella Benjamin came from the island of Trinidad, in the Caribbean Sea.
On the webpage below are many facts about The Caribbean Sea, and within this are listed several animals and fish.
Select one creature from this page, research it and prepare a fact file. Make this as interesting as possible. You could include illustrations, facts, a quiz etc etc.