The link below will take you to Shelby's inspiring article about the work he has done with The Michael Palin Centre. On this websiate you will find plenty more interesting information about stammering.
Here are some additional activities for you to try this week:
Life Skills
Letter writing - hand write a letter to someone, address the envelope, buy a stamp and post it. You could write to a family member, your Buddy or even me - send the last two via school.
Make a hot drink for someone - under supervision, make a hot drink such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate or some other warming beverage.
Curriculum-based Ideas.
Art - A great idea from Mrs Dowling. You don't need to base it around Christmas - it could be a 'holiday' story board or based around another celebration. Please do send your ideas to school.
Epic - enjoy some of the graphic novels and non-fiction texts on Epic.
Science - some great experiments to enjoy at home
Here is the timetable for the week :