Good morning everyone. How are we feeling today? Are we or
? However you are feeling it is important to talk about your feelings, but even more important if you are feeling a bit sad. Try and do something fun as it can really lift your mood. Don't forget our class 'Show and Tell' tomorrow...that should put a smile on our wee chops!
So onto today...
Maths This is a BBC Bitesize lesson to help you with your learning. There are 2 activities to do so have a go at them.
So forget the Pay for It game as well that I showed you yesterday.
Spellings Don't forget the 5 a Day spellings.
English This is for today and tomorrow. The book 'Coming to England' is a true story. This is called an autobiography. You are going to write a mini autobiography called This is Me on the booklet at the bottom. You will need to ask your parents for some of the answers! We will have a look at this tomorrow on our lesson.
Music As this week is Children's Mental Health week we are thinking about music! This can be a real mood lifter so think of a song that you really like to sing along to and we will compile a year 2 playlist to lift the spirits! Send me your sheet at the bottom.
Have a good day everyone!
And finally.....
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honeycombs!!