White Rose Activities and Video link in separate MATHS folder
Set on Purple Mash or on our class website (below)
30 min Lexia
Set on Purple Mash or on our class website (below)
Thursday 16 July Literacy & Science
Literacy: Write a newspaper report about the sighting of one of these beasts. What happened? Who saw it? Do they know what it is? Where they scared? Would you need to warn people about it?
Science: National Oak Academy
Science of acoustics
In this lesson we will be looking at the acoustics of sound
Thursday 9 July Literacy & Science
Literacy: Tell me about an experience you have had during lockdown that you feel comfortable to share. It could be:
Here are some ways you might begin your anecdote:
Science: Oak National Academy
Amplitude and decibels
In this lesson we will learn about the amplitude of sound and how to protect our ears from very loud sounds
Thursday 2 July Literacy & Science
Literacy: Killer Cat
Science: Oak National Academy
Frequency and pitch of sound (hearing range)
In today's lesson, we will explore pitch and frequency of sound waves.
Thursday 25 June Literacy & Science
Literacy: Writing a diary entry for a cabin boy on a pirate ship.
Science: National Oak Academy: Making different sounds
Thursday 18 June Literacy & Science
Literacy: Spoken Language (Pirate Cruncher)
Discuss and write down your thoughts.
Science: What is sound?
In this lesson, we will learn about how sound travels, how we hear it in our ear and complete an experiment.
Thursday 11th June Literacy & Science
Literacy: Reading Bingo: Look at Bingo Board 4: In your house, find a book you have read that fits the description on each of the squares/categories. Write the “Title” and “Author” (see example below) for EACH square/category on your Bingo Board 4.
A book that has a dragon as a character.
Title: The boy who grew dragons.
Author: Andy Shepherd
A book by a woman
Title: Famous Five
Author: Enid Blyton
Science: How do plants adapt to different environments?
In this lesson, we will learn how plants adapt to survive in hot and cold environments.
Thursday 4th June Literacy & Science
Literacy: Character Description: SPaG focus – Similes
In this lesson, we are to going to focus on the use of similes in a character description.
Science: To explain how a plant transports water
In this lesson, we will learn about how plants transport water internally and watch this in an experiment.
Thursday 21st May - Literacy & Science
Literacy: Character Description: SPaG focus – Conjunctions
In this lesson, we are to going to focus on the use of conjunctions.
Science: Life cycle of a plant
In this lesson, we will learn about each stage of the life cycle of a plant.
Instructions: SPaG focus – Adverbs
Plants: What are the parts and functions of a flower?
In this lesson we will identify the flowering parts of a plant and learn about their functions.