Good morning everyone. If you didn't get the chance to watch the 6.00pm news on BBC TV last night, have a look on catch-up. You will see a familiar face........ It is really fantastic to see one of or class on screen, sharing very interesting information.
You worked really well in yesterday's Maths lesson and I am very pleased with the work you have sent me.
Live Lesson.
Today's Maths lesson will continue our work turning fractions into percentages. We will also start to look at fractions, decimals and percentages.
Before attempting these sheets, make sure that you have at least done Step 1 from yesterday's work. A lot of the questions today involve reasoning, so please include your working out in any work you send me.
Core lesson - Literacy.
Read through the notes that you made yesterday about a family member's memories. Talk to someone about the facts that you have, but also the details that you were able to either find out or infer. As they were talking, did you get the impression that this was a fun, happy memory or did something dramatic happen ?
Read the example text shown below. In class we might share this before writing. We would also look at the Success Criteria and find these in this text.
Today I would like you to write a recount, based on your family member's memories. I would suggest you choose one aspect of the conversation you had with them. You can also add details based on what they told you e.g. if their favourite food was roast dinner, you can add details about how crispy the potatoes were or how they preferred thick custard on apple pie.
Please write this in your Green book, neat handwriting. Use the grid to help with spellings, make sure full stops and capital letters are used correctly.
Use your whiteboard to write your first sentence and work on it before editing it and putting it on paper.
Sentence starters could include 'My Mum/Uncle etc'.... try for a Pointless Answer....
Please send me this work as we will be looking at this together on Weds.
In class this term we were due to start learning about marine biomes in Geography. Here is a lesson on Biomes.
Once you have watched this, create a double-page spread that shows an example of each of the five biomes in this lesson. Label them with the features that make them unique.