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Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning Year 2. I hope you had a good night's sleep last night. Apparently elephants can sleep standing up....that's an interesting fact! So on the menu today...

Maths We are continuing learning about money. You need to make amounts using the link on the sheet below. You can drag the coins across. Please could you send me this work if possible.

Literacy Today you are going to write a letter as if you were Floella on the Windrush ship. For some strange reason my original link for Coming to England has stopped working but Mrs Feind from year 3 is reading this story on her Monday class page. (at the bottom) I have put some pictures on the sheet to help you.

We are going to look at this in our lesson today so you might want to wait until then. Think about what I like to see in your work. This is for today and tomorrow. If you can send me your work, I would really like to see it! Look at my example at the bottom.

Geography We are still learning about the continents...This week is Asia!  Do the 'before' part of the sheet before the lesson from  Oak National lesson so work through the video, pausing where necessary. Then do the second page tomorrow.

What is Asia like? (


Spelling Don't forget your 5 a day spelling sheet (put on here yesterday)

Fluency Maths This is a game to play so follow the link. I have made you a mat to go with it. You can change the numbers to make it harder...including 100s and 1000s. Primary maths games: How to play One more, one less. - YouTube

Mr Rose's Assembly 3.00

And finally..........What website do cows like to use?



Money sheet

Coming to England Letter writing

Geography Asia sheet
