Happy Wednesday everybody.... today's big challenge is going to be getting out and about in the rain. Full marks to anyone who decides to wrap up, pull on their wellies and brave the elements. Who will try this out later ?
Live Lesson - 10.00am - Literacy.
Please bring with you :
At the bottom of the page are my ideas that you gave me this morning about the image of the kitchen table. I have tried to include sights, sounds and smells. By using words such as 'squeezing' it gives a feeling too.
Core Subject - Maths
Please continue our work on fractions and percentages. Below is a series of activities to help you embed some common fraction and percentage equivalents. If you can remember these, it makes all Maths reasoning much quicker and easier. The most important ones to know are :
If you use your knowledge about how to simplify or change fractions you will also be able to work out other equivalents :e.g. 2/5 = 4/10 = 40 %.
A range of fraction/percentage games :
A Top Trumps-style game. This will require printing out and cutting up. I have prepared some packs and they are outside the Office. Please come and get one.
French - Les Vêtements
Bonjour. This week we will be learning the names of items of clothing in French. If you find it tricky to remember the words don't try to learn them all in one go but learn a couple each day over the next week. I couldn't upload a powerpoint with the translation built in as the file is too large but if you search on the internet 'dress in French' for example, you will be given the option to hear the correct pronunciation.
There is a powerpoint attached which will help you to learn the words and I have also uploaded a word search which will help you to practise these words. I will leave some copies of the powerpoint and the word search in the trays outside the Office.