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Wednesday 20th January

I declare Wednesday as Wild Hair Wednesday !!!



Let's see your favourite wacky hair style - wigs, accessories or just plain wild.


Live Lesson - Literacy -10.00am.

Before the lesson, have a quick rehearsal of your weather report. Try to work from a few key words.

You will need to bring to the lesson your key words for your weather forecast.  Be ready to present your weather report on Trinidad.


Core Subject - Maths

Please continue the work on ordering FDP with this reasoning activity. The first few questions are handy fluency examples :




To be able to play the Battleship game you will need to revise your new learning of items of clothing in French - do look back at last weeks Powerpoint to help you.  Also you will need to revise the numbers 1-10.  I have attached the instructions and a game board that you can print out or draw your own version. I will also leave some copies of the game and the instructions in the Office too.


