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Wednesday 3rd February


Captain Sir Tom Moore's motto was :


'Tomorrow will be a good day'


This morning, as we prepare for our lesson, I am going to ask you, what one thing can you do for someone, that will make tomorrow a good day.


Live Lesson - Literacy - 10.00am.

This morning we will be using this piece of text. It comes from a book called 'Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror', which is a bit creepy and spooky !

Whilst we are not going to read the whole book, this extract is really good for studying the build up of suspense.We will read it toegther, but if you an read it before the lesson, that will be very useful. There are some parts that will be excellent to read aloud - in a creepy voice. If you would like to do this during the lesson, give me a wave !


After the lesson : continue to read the rest of the text. Use a highlighter ( from your pack) to identify the words or phrases that you think make this sound spooky or build up suspense.

Be prepared to explain why.

e.g.   'the candlelight no doubt added to my jitters; its fluttering passage created all kinds of grotesque shadows on the wall'

The shadows from the candle make frightening patterns on the wall. You may want to look up words like 'grotesque' or 'jitters' in the dictionary.

Core Subject - Maths

I would like you to continue our work on line graphs.

Watch this Oak Academy lesson on reading and interpreting line graphs


Following this, here are some questions to have a go at.



This week I am going to be using you to trial a new website (I hope you don't mind) before we share it with the rest of the school. 


I hope you enjoyed listening to 'You've got a friend' last week.  I bet some of your grown ups at home recognised it and were possibly even singing along!


On Monday, Mrs McLaughlin sent your grown ups log-in details to allow you to access a section of the Charanga website.  This was the website that we used when we were learning 'Happy' in the Autumn Term.  We are now able to set work for you to complete at home too.


You will need to go to and then input your log in details.  For most of you your username is your first name and then the first initial of your surname and then the number 6.  For example, if you were John Smith your username would be JohnS6  Your password is then whatever was in the text.  Click on the link when you have logged in and you can explore this unit of work.  For this session I don't mind if you have a go at the pulse and rhythm games or learn the song, there are lots of tools and activities on the pages to help you. 


If you have any problems or can't access the site for any reason please just send me an email - and I will do my best to help you.


