White Rose Activities and Video link in separate MATHS folder
30 min TT Rock Stars
Set on Purple Mash or on our class website (below)
Set on Purple Mash or on our class website (below)
Wednesday 15 July Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Describe a beast of your own. What does it look like? What noise does it make? How does it move? What powers does it have? Where would you find it? Write a description similar to those in the extract about your own creature.
New: Right Hand Keys, Shift keys A-L, Shift Keys M-Z
Wednesday 8 July Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Homophones and Near-Homophones Worksheet
Recap from last week (Right Little Finger, Right Third Finger )
New this week: Right Middle Finger, Right Index Finger
Wednesday 1 July Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Killer Cat
Right Hand
Right Little Finger
Right Third Finger
Wednesday 24 June Literacy & Computing
Literacy: What other helpful machine might Charlie like to invent to escape from a Pirate ship he is held hostage on?
What might you like?
Think. Draw. Label. Write.
Computing: Check on Purple Mash
New: Left Hand Keys
Recap: Left Little Finger and Left Third Finger
Wednesday 17 June Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Vocabulary (Pirate Cruncher)
Place these words on the line below from most like a pirate to least like a pirate. Explain your choices.
Computing: Purple Mash
Left Middle Finger
Left Index Finger
Wednesday 10th June Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Reading Bingo: Look at Bingo Board 3: In your house, find a book you have read that fits the description on each of the squares/categories. Write the “Title” and “Author” (see example below) for EACH square/category on your Bingo Board 3.
A book that has a dragon as a character.
Title: The boy who grew dragons.
Author: Andy Shepherd
A book by a woman
Title: Famous Five
Author: Enid Blyton
Purple Mash – Left Little Finger
Left Third Finger
Wednesday 3rd June Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Character Description: Identifying the features of a text
In this lesson, we are going to explore the features of a character description.
Computing: Typing
When you can do it well, touch typing is the fastest way to write. Many people quickly learn to touch type faster than they can write with a pen. The important things to remember are:
You should take a rest, and shake your hands and arms to relax your muscles if you get tired.
It's important not to look at your hands when you are learning to type. The best way to ensure that you don't look at your hands is to cover them up - you can make a simple box out of cardboard or wood to cover both the keys and your hands.
Further help:
Wednesday 20th May - Literacy & Computing
Literacy: Character Description: Identifying the features of a text
In this lesson, we are going to explore the features of a character description.
Instructions: Identifying and understanding the features of a text
Link to the book "How to wash a Woolly Mammoth" by Michelle Robinson & Kate Hindley