Hello Year 5, I hope you and your family are very well, and I hope you have all had a super half term enjoying the glorious weather! It's going to be a sunny week so make sure you enjoy some physical activity every day if you can.
Being at home all this time is not easy for you and your family and I need you to know how proud I am of you and that I am wishing for the day we can all be together again!
Please keep a look out on Purple Mash everyone as I will be sending you some emails this week. Remember you can use the emails Year 5 for asking me any questions (I'm here to help with anything you need), for sending me your work or if you would like to send me a message to let me know how you are and what you have been up to at home. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
This week, I have put some different activities in the pages for you to choose from. Have fun everyone!
Year 5 I'm sending you a BIG SMILE and a virtual hug today and every day!
Dear Parents and Carers, please don't be alarmed by the amount of work I have put on the page this week, it is not an
expectation that it all needs to be completed this week as most of the activities are for a period of time and will be carried forward on to future week's learning. It is just so the children can have a variety of home learning to choose from, that interests them, over the next couple of weeks.
I hope you are all well and surviving this uncertain time, I just need you to know how much of an amazing job you are all doing! Thank you for all your support and patience during this continuing difficult time. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if there is anything I can help you with...Take care everyone...Miss Claridge.