Hello lovely Year 5, I hope you and your family are very well. I hope you have all had a great weekend and have managed to enjoy some of the sunshine weather. Have you seen the staff sports day video? Which sport will you take part in today? It's going to be a sunny week so make sure you enjoy some physical activity every day if you can.
Please keep a look out on Purple Mash everyone as I will be sending you some emails this week. Remember you can use the emails Year 5 for asking me any questions (I'm here to help with anything you need), for sending me your work or if you would like to send me a message to let me know how you are and what you have been up to at home. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
This week, I have put some fun games in the mental arithmetic folder, some new reading activities in the reading folder and a rather extraordinary sound for you to find out about in the Amazon rainforest folder.
I am thinking of you all Year 5 and I'm sending you a BIG SMILE and a virtual hug today and every day!