One more week !
Are you ready to return to school ?
Maybe you are really excited about coming back to school... looking forward to seeing your friends, playing on the field, having pizza on Friday ? Perhaps, you quite like it at home - spending more time with your family, relaxed bed-times and organising your time in a more flexible way ?
We are all looking forward to seeing you again next week in school. The sound of you laughing together, playing outside and saying hello as you enter the class every day are things we really miss.
This week at home, try and get ready for school:
Here are some other things to try :
Life Skills:
Cooking - the humble potato can provide a simple, cheap and nutritious meal, so this week's cookery challenge is to come and collect some potatoes from school and see what you can make. Below are some recipe ideas, do send me your photos:
Laundry - ask someone to show you how to set the washing machine going. Where does the detergent go ? What do the symbols mean ?
Can you hang up the wet washing when it has been done ?
Curriculum Areas:
Art - The artist, Grayson Perry, has a programme called 'Grayson's Art Club' on Channel 4. He invites everyone to create a piece of art based on different themes. The three themes that are still open for entries are : Dreams ( deadline 3rd March), Work and Travel. Further details are available here :
Literacy - take an illustrator or author masterclass form a World Book day creator.