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  • Head's Blog

    Fri 10 Jul 2020 Mr Rose

    We have now coming to the end of another academic year. What a strange, unusual and different year we have had. It has not been the year we would have wanted. From September, when it is planned for all children to return. we know we will have to support their academic and emotional needs above and beyond what we normally do.

    We would again like to thank you for your support and understanding over this term.


    Reopening In September

    Following current guidelines the school has developed a plan to bring all children back keeping the risks to a minimum. This plan includes:

    Keeping each whole class together as a separate 'bubble'.

    Continuation of regular hand cleaning including access to sanitiser throughout the school.

    A full daily curriculum to be delivered.

    Not having any events where different classes or the school get together e.g assemblies

    For school dinners continuing to provide a packed lunch option only. This will be eaten in the classroom or outside

    Having either a different playtime or a designated outside space.

    Reducing social distancing of parents by having a slightly staggered day and a one way system through the site. (we will be expecting parents to adhere to our social distancing expectations) This will be between 8.45 and 3.15

    The children will be expected to wear school uniform and have a PE kit including trainers or plimsoles. Indoor shoes will not be needed initially.

    Breakfast and After school clubs will be available straight away if numbers are enough. We need to know if this is something you require as soon as possible so staffing can be put into place.

    A updated risk assessment and cleaning regime. 


    More detail will be provided later next week. As this is over a month away changes may occur, these will be communicated as quickly as possible.


    Mrs Hinton

    Next week is Mrs Hinton's last one with us before she retires. If you have not yet sent in a memory or something from your child please do this by Tuesday.


    Term finishes Thursday 16th at the normal time for each group.


    Term Starts Thursday 3rd September 



  • Head's Blog

    Fri 03 Jul 2020 Mr Rose

    The Government announced yesterday their plan for all children to return to school in September.

    They have asked us to prepare for this and provided guidance around how this could be done.

    The hope is that all children will return to a full educational experience with the risks minimised.

    Over the coming week we will formulate our plan for this to happen in a way that will reduce the risks for your children, yourselves and the staff.

    As I am sure you can appreciate September is two months away and things can change rapidly. Various scenarios will be considered and all plans will have to be subject to amendments.

    As always I will endeavour to keep you updated as quickly as possible.

    Please ensure we have your current email address and mobile phone number as we may have to contact you over August.


    PTA News

    A Race Night was organised and run on Zoom last week. Not only did it raise £535 it was a fun event bringing many people together. A very special thanks has to go to Mr Jimmy Franklin who organised and ran this event for us.



    With two weeks left of this term please remember to send in any memories for Mrs Hinton and requests from class teachers.

    We will also be saying thank you and goodbye to Mr Gallagher who has taught Yr6 and Yr3 this year. He introduced the school to Gaelic Football, which we hope to continue in the coming years.
