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  • Head's Blog

    Fri 25 Sep 2020 Mr Rose

    As the weather is changing please ensure your child comes to school with the appropriate clothing to go outside at play and lunch times. We are following national guideline and will endeavour to get the children out as much as possible. 



    We need to stress the importance of sending your child to school every day and on time. They should only stay at home if they have been physically sick or have one of the three Covid symptoms (where a test is needed). We have a detailed back on track programme throughout the school, further absences and lateness will impact on your child's education. 


    NHS Track and Trace APP 

    The app is available for smartphones only - not tablets, smartwatches or other devices.

    To get started, go to Android's Google Play or Apple's App Store and search for "NHS Covid-19".

    The handsets must have Android 6.0 (released in 2015) or iOS 13.5 (released in May 2020) and Bluetooth 4.0 or higher. That excludes the iPhone 6 and older versions of Apple's handsets.


    Parent Consultations

    We plan to hold these during the week of the 21st October. At this point these will probably have to be either by Zoom and/or by phone. Based on the current situation at that time we will inform you of our decision.

    Meanwhile please remember you can communicate with teachers about your child's learning via the class email . If you haven't yet set this up you must email your child's name to the class address so you can be added to the contact list:

    nur@ /rec@ /yr1@ /yr2@ /yr3@ /yr4@ /yr5@ /yr6@



    Our PTA is still operating and looking at different ways to raise money for the children. You will be sent details of the AGM and officer elections soon. Meanwhile if you have any ideas of fund raising events that can take place with the current restrictions we would love to hear from you.

    Don't forget the '200 Club' which is an easy way you can contribute.


    Instrumental Lessons

    We are currently re-instating the Violin and Guitar lessons that take place during school time which are private or shared paid for lessons.  If your child was participating in lessons back in March or continued to do so online during lockdown, you will have been sent a letter asking if you would like to continue using this service.  Please let us know as soon as you can so that we can start planning the return of these lessons.  

    Additionally if your child would like to start taking lessons in either the Violin (Reception to Yr6) or the Guitar (Yr3 to Yr6) then contact the school office for further information.

  • Head's Blog

    Fri 18 Sep 2020 Mr Rose

    Class Email Addresses

    Communication between school and home is really important and does have a positive impact on your child's education. As we are observing social distancing advice each class has it's on email address:

    Yr1@ / Yr2@ / Yr3@ / Yr4@ / Yr5@ / Yr6@

    This email can be used to communicate with the class teacher who will endeavour to respond within 48hrs week days.

    If there is something urgent you need to tell us you must either email, text or phone to school office as teachers will not be looking at their emails on a daily basis and over the weekend.

    We need you to send an email to your child's class address with their name so you can be added



    It is really important that the children arrive in school at their allotted time. We are now getting a number of children arriving in class after learning has already started. This is disrupting the class and their education.

    Year 6 and Year 4 start at 8.45.

    Reception, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 start at 8.55.

    Nursery and Year 1 stat at 9.00.

    It is your responsibility to get them here on time.



    Rec to Yr6 individual photographs have gone out this week. Please return orders by 25th September. Next Friday.

    Nursery photographs have been arranged for November.


    Can You Help?

    We need a couple of people, who don't need to socially distant, to build our new Nursery metal shed. Can you please contact the school office if you can help


    A cold or Covid - which one do I have?

    Informative video explaining how to decide if symptons are a cold or Covid.

  • Head's Blog

    Fri 11 Sep 2020 Mr Rose

    We have now been back a full week and our Reception class has settled really well into full time education.

    I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new families that have joined our community and we look forward to working together over the coming years.


    Social Distancing

    I need to stress the importance of social distancing when you are in and around the school site. Firstly, we spend all day keeping the year groups separated for the children, staff and your safety, it is therefore really important that as soon as you pick your child/red up everyone leaves straight away. Please keep your children with you, even if you waiting to pick up their siblings. Finally you need to remember to keep a safe distance from other parents. We have worked hard to open the school to welcome back all the children and don't want to disrupt their learning any further. Thank you for your support in doing this.


    I have put on the website a leaflet explaining what you do if you or your child has possible Covid symptoms. Please read it carefully as it will help you understand the current guidelines about whether your child can be in school.



    Monday - Individual Photographs for Reception to Yr6. As we are keeping year groups separated there will not be the opportunity for sibling or pre school photographs this year. To reduce the risks further there will only be one photograph taken where in the past two poses were offered.  Nursery children will be photographed on Friday 9th November.

    Tuesday - Yr5/6 Football Practice.


    MILK (Years Rec, Yr1 and Yr2)

    Milk order forms were sent to you at the beginning of the week. Thank you for those who have responded, which enabled an order being placed today.  For those of you that have yet to return your forms, I can only accept further requests on Monday, or I will be unable to amend the order placed and milk will be unavailable for your child till January 2021.



    Please advised that we have no central lost property held anymore.  As each class is in their own bubble any unclaimed items will remain in the individual classes.  Ensure all items are named, and check occasionally that the name is still visible.



    We are currently discussing with Hertfordshire Music Service our provision for this term and will advise you shortly what we are able to offer.


  • Head's Blog

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 Mr Rose

    It is lovely to be writing to you from a full and busy school. Having the children here and learning back on track is joy for all staff.



    As having conversations with staff at classroom doors is not possible we are asking that you contact the teachers via the class email address. This will be provided to you over the coming week. It is essential that you send an initial email with your child's name so that you can be added to the contact list.


    Please continue to use the main school email and phone number for urgent and all other messages.


    Over the coming week Yr1 to Yr6 teachers will be holding Meet The Teacher Zoom meetings. Please look out for the invite in the coming days.

    Yr1 Thursday 10th at 11am

    Yr2 Thursday 10th at 10am

    Yr3 Wednesday 9th at 1pm

    Yr4 Friday 11th at 1pm

    Yr5 Thursday 10th at 11.30am

    Yr6 Friday 4th at 2.15pm


