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  • Head's Blog

    Fri 23 Oct 2020 Mr Rose

    We have now had half a term back at school. It has been great to see how the learning has progressed and the enthusiasm of the children. Remember to look at the class pages of the website as they reflect this learning.



    You can see your child's attendance on the Gateway. Missing just a few days can have a marked effect on your child's learning. 


    Half Term Home Learning

    Over the coming week remember to hear your child read. Find a cosy quiet place and share a book with them.

    Today children (Rec to Yr4) will also bring home a pack from the library service. This is the reading project they had planned for the summer which was cancelled. There are things in the envelope to encourage reading and the love of books.

    All the children have also been given a change 4 life booklet to educate them to become Sugar Smart.



    There have been no nominations for PTA officers this year, however our current PTA officers are willing to stand again for another year.

    We are trying to develop new ways to raise funds under the current conditions. At our AGM on the 4th November this will be discussed in detail. It is therefore really important that as many of you attend and share your ideas.


    Message from St Mark's Church

    As you go around the village on 31st October look out for lighted candles in people's windows together with a poster.  What does it say?  See how many you can find? 



    We are delighted that the hot meals have worked so well this week and that the number of children taking a hot school lunch has increased.   Please remember to make sure your child has enough funds on their account to pay for meals if you do not qualify for Free School Meals.



  • Head's Blog

    Fri 16 Oct 2020 Mr Rose

    On Monday our new menu starts. It will be great to offer the children a hot option which they can eat in their classrooms. Options include a baked potato, roast pork, cheese pinwheels, pizza, macaroni cheese to mention just a few. 

    Thank you to Mrs Donovan, Mrs Ellis and Mr Giblen who swept the junior playground ready for netball practice last Friday.


    Christmas cards designs will be coming home today with details on how you can order them. These need to be back by Wednesday 21st October. Your orders will raise money for the school which we intent on buying books to replenish the library. 


    Next Week

    Monday Netball Practice for Yr5/6

    Tuesday Football Practice for Yr5/6

    Tuesday / Wednesday Parent Consultations via Zoom

    Wednesday Last day for Christmas Card orders

    Monday 26th Half Term Week



    We still have a few items available in our Clearance Sale of school uniform.  Please check with the school office if they have your requirements in stock.

  • Head's Blog

    Fri 09 Oct 2020 Mr Rose

    It has been great to walk around school seeing the learning the children are doing. I am always impressed with their enthusiasm and willingness to have a go. Do ask them about their day and what they have been learning about. Get them to tell you about the book the teacher has read to them that day.


    Nursery have had PE in the hall.

    Reception have been baking.

    Yr1 have been recapping their phonics.

    Yr2 have been writing sentences about Max and the Stranger.

    Yr3 have had science learning about different rock types using chocolate?

    Yr4 have been improving their knowledge of times tables.

    Yr5 have been learning how to use a protractor.

    Yr6 have been playing a fluency card game in maths focussing on their knowledge of times tables. 


    As the weather is changing please ensure your children arrive in school appropriately dressed. We are endeavouring to get them outside as much as possible at this time.


    Parent Consultations

    Reception to Year 6 parent consultations have been arranged using Zoom. We need you to return your slip or let us know by email by Tuesday next week at the latest. This will allow us to set up the times and let you know how we plan to deliver this.


    COVID Reminder

    It is important that you drop and pick up your children and then leave the school site immediately, keeping your children with you. At all times ensure you are socially distance from other parents. This is for your safety as well as that of the children.

    Remember if you or any member of the family have any of the three main symptoms you should phone 119, get a test and start to self isolate the whole household.

  • Head's Blog

    Fri 02 Oct 2020 Mr Rose

    How Is Everything Going In School?

    We have now been back a month and routines are being revised and assessed, often daily. The classes have been kept separate in their bubble, even at playtimes, PE across the school has been successful and the children are settled into their learning. A designated area outside the classroom for each class has allowed some group work. The children are washing their hands frequently. We have even had a whole school assembly using Zoom and yesterday Yr6 were learning to use maps on the common. 

    At dinner time the children have their food brought to them in their classrooms where they eat it before going outside. From just a packed lunch option the cooks have managed to add hot items such as burgers and pizza to the menu. The plan is to provide more hot options in the coming weeks, so please look out for the new menu when it arrives.


    What Can You Do To Help

    Be on time to drop your child off at their allotted start time. This will ensure they benefit from a full teaching day.

    Keep to social distancing especially at classroom doors. If you need to speak to staff you can email, phone or text a message.

    If you haven't done so yet make sure you email the class address so you can be included in any relevant class communications.


    What Is Coming Up

    You will have received a letter to arrange a parent consultation via Zoom.

    Class Zoom assemblies have been put in the diary for years 1 to 6. Times will be shared soon.

    The PTA  are holding the AGM on 4th November where we can get ideas on how to raise funds for all our children's benefit.


    Thank You

    A big thanks to four parents; Mrs Fordham, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Connery and Mrs Delaney who gave up a lot of their time to build the new Nursery/Reception metal shed.


    Office News

    Please contact the school office if you are still interested in your child having private paid for Violin or Guitar lessons delivered by St Albans Music School. 

